Norvento has 40 years of experience in the Comprehensive Operation and Maintenance (OPM) of generation plants with renewable energies, backed by the achievement of high rates of availability.

In this area, our company covers all processes, from the assembly, start-up and maintenance of renewable generation plants, including wind, photovoltaic, bioenergy, mini-hydro… as well as power lines and resource measurement antennas. All our installations are characterised by their high availability rates, the result of the application of the strictest quality standards and the pursuit of excellence in maintenance.

The O&M plant is located in Vilalba, next to our nED Factory. Our staff are located in the facilities we operate, both our own and external customers to whom we provide services.


Some Norvento-specific locations with active presence of OPM personnel:

O&M Services

Main maintenance work carried out in renewable generation plants: wind, hydroelectric, biomass, biogas, photovoltaic solar.

  • Corrective: Finding and repairing faults
  • Preventive: Scheduled work on the conservation of the facilities (greasing, tightening, oil changes, etc.)
  • Predictive: Pre-failure inspection and monitoring work (vibration study, oil analyses, thermography, etc.)
  • Large-scale corrective maintenance: Repair manoeuvres of major faults, usually requiring external lifting equipment (replacing blades, multipliers, generators, transformers, etc.)
  • Electrical maintenance
  • Teams on retainer
  • Maintenance logistics
  • Technical consulting
  • Engineering support

On-call services with ongoing on-site assistance

  • Inspections and diagnosis of anomalies
  • Preventive maintenance and reporting work
  • Corrective maintenance work on discharges
  • Predictive work using IR thermography and associated study

  • Assembly of lattice and tubular met masts
  • Corrective and preventive maintenance at heights
  • Inspections and drafting of status reports
  • Dismantling and controlled demolitions
  • Downloads and analyses of measurements